SCI 论文投稿如何写好 Cover letter?
你和审稿人的意见有严重的分歧,你认为审稿人的意见有问题或者不合理。在Response Letter里面你已经和审稿人正面硬刚rebuttal一番了,这时候你可以写个Cover Letter跟编辑据理力争一下,如果你陈述的有理、有利、有节、是会提高你稿件录用几率。
编辑在Decision Letter告诉你This paper is a borderline rejection。这说明审稿人意见偏向于拒,比如一个reject,两个major,但是编辑面慈心善给你一次修改的机会,这时候你就得千言万语化作一个Cover Letter努力说服编辑。
编辑在Decision Letter里面明确指出你的稿件有问题。比如,你的稿件虽然送审了,但是编辑在回稿的时候发现你的重复率很高(现在期刊都有查重);或者编辑发现你的论文跟你自己之前发的文章很像,TA觉得你在“切香肠”salami slicing,挤牙膏。这时候你回稿的时候写Cover Letter跟TA说明为啥重复了,是不是有些固定的单词和句子跟自己之前的文章或者现有文献重复了,但是具体的技术内容和贡献是不同的。
你的文章因为一些问题被编辑直接退稿Administrative Reject。这时候你觉得你被冤枉了,那你再重投的时候就一定要写个Cover Letter说明情况。
你的文章是拒稿重投。那重投的时候就要写个Cover Letter说明情况。 转投另一个期刊就不需要了。
有些IEEE Transactions的特刊第一轮是让提交一个扩展摘要,同时要求写Cover Letter说明一下你全文打算做什么工作。
你的投稿流程一切安好的时候就不要写Cover Letter了!
Dear EIC and the associated AE,
I presented a paper entitled "XXX" at the XXX(会议名称) in XXX City, XXX Country, MM/YY. I was invited to submit an upgraded manuscript for possible publication in either IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications or IEEE Industry Applications Magazine.
The original conference paper emphasized XXX (简单的谈一下你会议论文的工作). During the conference presentation, one relevant question was raised: XXX (这样显得你开会期间和同行进行了深度沟通,也就是你期刊文章新加入的内容).
Borrowing from that discussion last year, the main contribution of the new submission is to XXX (简单的带一下你这篇期刊论文的新工作). As a result of this process, the original conference paper has been rewritten almost in full (记住转投不是直接就投了,全文都需要重写,不然第一轮投稿编辑看到重复率过高也会直接退稿), with new results being presented given the additional scope of the work. The title of the new submission has been changed to “XXX(新的文章题目)”. In the paper, XXX (展开谈一下你这篇论文的新工作,比如新加了仿真和实验).
To ensure transparency of the work, the original conference paper has been cited as reference [X] with a suitable accompanying explanation. We believe the new submission satisfies the IEEE policy.
Sincerely yours,
Gen Li
School of Engineering
Cardiff University, UK
CF24 3AA
Dear EIC and the associated AE,
I am writing to resubmit our paper entitled “XXX” (original manuscript ID: XXX-XXX-XXX) for IEEE Transactions on XXX.
Due attention has been paid to all recommendations, with changes detailed in the Response Letter. From the three reviewers assigned for the current round peer-review, only Reviewers 1 requests further clarifications, with Reviewers 2 and 3 offering no further comments as their queries have been completely addressed.
Following a thorough revision of the manuscript, we believe that we have responded comprehensively to our Reviewers by providing convincing argumentation to their comments and by suitably translating the discussion and their requests to the paper itself.
It is noted that Reviewer 1 keeps requesting us to clarify XXX (陈述审稿人难为你的地方) in this paper. We believe we have made our best to justify our opinion through a thorough explanation and revision with supporting references. The other two Reviewers have been satisfied with our revisions. The solution discussed by the left Reviewer indeed could be a possible solution for XXX and the Reviewer may love it very much personally (这就是准备鱼死网破了,哈哈). However, that’s not the only technical roadmap in the field of XXX. What we want to claim is that the proposed XXX method our manuscript may have shortcomings, may not constitute fundamentally new topology, and the reviewer may have better ideas, however, this would not preclude publishing an article that can still provoke better ideas from other researchers to improve the work in the future. (底气得足!)
To reflect the concerns from Reviewer 1, we have included detailed simulations and additional comparisons with the proposed control methods available in the open literature to demonstrate the viability and advantages of the presented scheme.
We hope you find our modifications acceptable for peer-review, but please let me know otherwise. We would be happy to further revise the manuscript if this is not to your satisfaction.
Many thanks,
Gen Li
School of Engineering
Cardiff University, UK
CF24 3AA
Dear Prof. XXX, EIC and the associated AE,
I am writing to resubmit our paper entitled “XXX” (original manuscript ID: XXX-XXX-XXX) for IEEE Transactions on XXX.
The manuscript was given an Administrative Reject on DD/MM/YY due to a high similarity index. Following a thorough check of the manuscript, we have found that the similarity originates from the previous publications by the same authors. (在这儿列上你们重复的论文,这是证据)
However, it should be claimed that the similarity is mainly caused by the use of the same terminologies and descriptions: XXX (把证据列在这儿). These words and expressions are essential for the understanding of our new paper which is totally a novel work and focuses on XXX (简单的带一下你这篇论文的新工作).
The contribution of this new paper is to XXX (展开谈一下你这篇论文的新工作). The topic is different from our previous publication, which investigates XXX (简单的带一下你之前论文的工作). The new paper contains original texts, figures, tables, equations, etc. The proposed XXX scheme in the new paper contains substantial contribution above and beyond any published materials.
We have further thoroughly modified our new manuscript to avoid using the same words based on the similarity report. The similarity index would now be largely reduced. The previous publication has been cited as [X] (之前的论文).
We hope you find our modifications acceptable for peer review, but please let me know otherwise. We would be happy to further revise the manuscript if this is not to your satisfaction.
Many thanks,
Gen Li
School of Engineering
Cardiff University, UK
CF24 3AA
拒稿重投再中的机会不高,因为你已经被拒一次了,肯定是something wrong,期刊有理由不再送审。就算是送审了,你的论文大概率会送给上一轮的编辑和审稿专家那里,所以一样会被干。个人建议拒稿后尽快转投其他期刊。
Dear Prof. XXX, EIC and the associated AE,
I am writing to resubmit our paper entitled “XXX” (original manuscript ID: XXX-XXX-XXX) for IEEE Transactions on XXX.
The manuscript was given a Reject on DD/MM/YY. Following a thorough revision of the manuscript, all comments from the Reveiwers in the last peer-review process have been properly addressed. A detailed Response Letter addressing their comments is attached in the new submission. (因为是拒稿重投,所以你要把上一轮审稿的Response Letter也附上).
It is noted that Reviewer 1 in the last submission requests us to clarify XXX (针对上一轮拒你的审稿人的意见) in this paper. We believe we have made our best to justify our opinion through a thorough explanation and revision with supporting references. The other two Reviewers have been satisfied with our revisions. The solution discussed by the Reviewer 1 indeed could be a possible solution for XXX and the Reviewer may love it very much personally (如果你想和上次的审稿人硬刚的话). However, that’s not the only technical roadmap in the field of XXX. What we want to claim is that the proposed XXX method our manuscript may have shortcomings, may not constitute fundamentally new topology, and the reviewer may have better ideas, however, this would not preclude publishing an article that can still provoke better ideas from other researchers to improve the work in the future. (底气得足!)
The contribution of this new paper has been further clarified by adding new case studies / simulations / experiment XXX (简单谈一下你的改动). Moreover, the manuscript has been thoroughly polished. Now the contexts have been presented in a better manner (针对说文章语言不行的改进).
We hope you find our modifications acceptable for peer review, but please let me know otherwise. We would be happy to further revise the manuscript if this is not to your satisfaction.
Many thanks,
Gen Li
School of Engineering
Cardiff University, UK
CF24 3AA
Dear Guest Editors (可以把特刊的主编名字放这儿),
We are submitting our extended abstract “XXX” for IEEE Transactions on XXX (Special Section “XXX”).
In this paper, XXX (展开谈一下全文打算做哪些工作). The contribution of the work is to XXX (谈一下你这篇论文的技术贡献). The effectiveness of the proposed protection strategy is supported by simulations conducted in PSCAD/EMTDC and validated by experiment using hardware-in-the-loop.
This work is supported by (如果你的文章是有实际工程背景的那就简单介绍一下,这绝对是加分项).
I shall greatly appreciate if you can favourably consider our paper.
Sincerely yours,
Gen Li
School of Engineering
Cardiff University, UK
CF24 3AA
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